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St Edward's College

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The Mathematics faculty comprises Mathematics and Computing.

There are several ICT suites for all pupils to access and the faculty encourage pupils to take part in local and national Mathematics competitions, to further enhance and broaden their Mathematical knowledge and experience.

Popular and vibrant, Maths Club is open to all pupils as either a “drop in” for help with homework or as a regular club for pupils to attend and keep on top of their studies.

Typically, pupils in examination classes work through past examination papers whilst younger pupils use websites such as www.mymaths.co.uk . Some pupils, however, use it to extend their Maths knowledge beyond the curriculum; this is perhaps most prevalent prior to UKMT Maths Challenges where we compete at all levels.

Year 7-11 pupils must purchase a Casio fx-83GTX or fx-85GTX calculator. For Sixth Form students, the model is Casio FX-991EX.

Mathematics Learning Journey

Computing Learning Journey